Is This English???
■2024年8月25日 PM9:22
紛らわしい文法 - Sentence pattern
I will start when he comes.     SV

I don't know when he will come.   SVO

条件節) We will start the meeting as soon as Mr. Murayama arrives.
条件句) I don't know if he will come on time.注意するのは when と if、条件を付けるときだけ現在形って感じか
//条件節は確率で接続詞を変える when 100% > if 50%  > in case
when: 確実性の高い未来の出来事
 When rock ice is heated, it turns into water.
if : 不確実な未来の出来事
 If blood pressure becomes too low, the blood will not flow properly.
in case:  万が一に生ずる出来事
 In case anything goes wrong with the product, take it to a nearby authorized shop.

This is how Bill talks.
 his is (the way) how Bill talks. の the wayは絶対付けないこと
 how to の同格は避ける(先行詞を含む感覚が強いのだと思う)
  Please give us a proposal how to name the document. は駄目

■助動詞 need はcanと同じ
People who do not work well with others need not apply for this position.
肯定文では使えず否定だけ、(S need not 原形)で「する必要はない」硬い言い方 Need he go there?
  疑問形(Need s v原型 ?)「する必要ある?」
 He need not have gone there.  完了形(need not have p.p.)「する必要はなかったのに(でも実際はした)」

provided / providing は「~という条件を与えれば」→「もし~なら」
suppose / supposing 「もし~なら」
assuming 「~と仮定すれば」 
granting / granted 「仮に~としても」 
given [the fact] 「~を考慮すると」
on (the) condition 「~という条件で」

I will agree with the plan, provided that I get your agreement on my new policy as well.
Provided you have done all the homework assignments, this quiz should be very easy.
Suppose you only had $100. What would you spend it on?

He requires that bills be paid by then.

he proposed that the convention be held in Chicago.

■先行詞 that
She is the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen.

//先行詞にthe only,the same,the very,every,allが付いている場合はthatを使う
She is the only person that can speak English.

■there は「ある」ではなく空白を埋めるためで 旧情報the/myはつかず新情報a
✖)There is my pen on the table.
〇)My pen is on the table.
〇)There ia a pen on the table.

The car is beautiful, albeit a bit pricey.

I heard my name was called somewhere.
I heard my name called from somewhere.

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■2024年7月26日 AM12:04
隔週?週2回? - bi-daily
biweeklyは「隔週の」という意味と「週2回の」の意味がある 誤解を避けるため: 刊行物以外のものは隔週の場合はevery-two-weeksを用いた方が良い 週2回の場合はsemiweeklyまたはtwice-a-weekを用いた方が良い
「期間・間隔・頻度」を英語でうまく表現する言い方 | オンライン英会話のWeblio英会話コラム(英語での言い方・英語表現)
adjectives - bi-daily, bidaily or twice-daily? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Bi-daily vs Bi-weekly : r/grammar (

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■2024年6月27日 PM9:36
regard - 事、注視、観点、敬意 ≒ topic/view/respect
regard ≒ topic/view/respect
Give my regards to your husband.
with regard to …に関しては, …についてはin regard to(…に関しては)without regard to(…にかかわらず)regarding(…に関して)as regards(…に関して)with due regard to(…を十分考慮して)out of regard for(…を考えて)
With regard to buying fruits in Japan, we face challenges.I’m writing with regard to the questions.This is particularly true in regard to Japan.The scholarships will be awarded without regard to national origin.Regarding the proposal to reinvest all profits, it was felt that further discussion was needed.As regards a cure for the disease, very few advances have been made.Trips are carefully planned with due regard to safety.People act out of regard for their shared interests.英語のwith regard toの使い方!in regard to や regarding との違いもわかりやすく説明! (
in terms ofrelating toaboutonin thatas to
With reference toWith respect toConcerningAs far as ... is concerned
as for-wise
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@Is This English???