Is This English???
■2010年2月28日 AM12:09
Simply difficult and possibly dangerous phrases Part10


You shouldn't have. (そんな気をつかわなくても)
You're telling me! (まさにそうだな)
You're too much! (冗談ばっかし)
Join the club. (私も同じ境遇よ)
Let me get it this time. (今回は払わせてよ)
Come again? (もう一度言って)
That it is!! (そのとおり)
That's it. (以上!)

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■2010年2月28日 AM12:08
Simply difficult and possibly dangerous phrases Part9


You got me there. (さあ、わかんないよ)
You heard me (そういっただろ!)
You hit the nail on the head. (その通り!)
You know what? (ねえねえ、聞いて)
You lucked out! (運がよかったわね!)
You never know (かもねー) - You'll never know (おまえには分からないね)

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■2010年2月28日 AM12:08
Simply difficult and possibly dangerous phrases Part8


Will you listen to yourself? (変なこと言うわね)
Would that I could! (そうできたらいいんだけどね)
Would you be so kind? (お願いできますこと?)
Wouldn't that be something? (そうなったらすごいことだよね!)
Wouldn't you know! (やっぱりね)
You can forget about going to the movies. (-するのはあきらめなさい)

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ナビ: <  3 | 4 | 5 | 6  >
-英語のコツ - Tips [48]
-仕事で使う英語 - For your work [10]
-使える英語フレーズ - Phrases [22]
-私事でゴメン - My affairs [9]

@Is This English???