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IF & WISH - Indicative / Subjunctive mood

/// Indicative mood

■IF 現在形 + 主節現在(実現可能性100%)
If you accept our offer, we have a deal.

■IF 現在形 + 主節助動詞
If you accept our offer, we will have a deal.(実現可能性80%)
If you accept our offer, we may have a deal.(実現可能性60%)
If you accept our offer, we must have a deal.(実現可能性110%強制の勢い)


/// Subjunctive mood

■IF 過去形 + 主節過去の助動詞
If you accepted our offer, we would have a deal.(実現可能性0%~)
If you accepted our offer, we should have a deal.
If you accepted our offer, we could have a deal.
If you accepted our offer, we might have a deal.

仮定法ではwasの代わりにwereを用いるのが普通(If I/he/she/it were)
しかし会話などでは was も使われる
If I were you, I would do that.

■IF 過去完了形 + 主節過去の助動詞+完了形
If you had accepted our offer, we would have had a deal.したのになぁ(100%後悔)
If you had accepted our offer, we should have had a deal.すべきだったのになぁ(200%後悔)
If you had accepted our offer, we could have had a deal.できたのになぁ(60%実感)
If you had accepted our offer, we might have had a deal.したかもなぁ(35%関心薄)

 I could have done that. できたのになぁ
 I could have done that before it was started. 始まった前にできた


1)IF文: IF現在-現在 か IF現在-未来
2)仮定法過去(ありえない現在の願望): IF過去-助動詞過去
3)仮定法過去完了(過去の願望): IF過去完了-助動詞過去完了


wish と hope には違いがあり、wish が実現の可能性があまりないことを希望するのに対し、hope は可能性があることを希望します。

I wish I were a bird. 私が鳥ならいいのに

She wishes she had married. 彼女は結婚してればよかったな、と思っている

I wish him happy.
I wish him happiness.
I wish you to go with me.
あるいはwant, would likeと同意の使い方がある、I wish a merry Christmas.



  I suggested that he see a doctor.
  God save queen.
  If he would not pay the money, you should have called the police. 
  if S were to ありそうもないことについての仮定を表す。仮に~ならば
   If she were to know that, she would get angry.
  if S should 現在または未来対する実現性が少ない仮定を表す。万一~ならば
   If it should rain tomorrow, I would stay here.
  If it were not for(but for/Without) water, no creature could live on this.
  He speaks English as if he were an Englishman.
  He speaks English as if(as though) he were an Englishman.

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