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冠詞 - Article

■不定冠詞a/an 定冠詞the

 /// theを付けない
     冠詞相当語句 不定代名詞(some/any/no/every/each/another/either/neither)、数詞(one/two)等
     公園/駅/橋/通り/大学、先頭は大文字、Harvard University/Fifthe Avenue
     食事/スポーツ/物質名詞/抽象名詞、have lunch/play guiter/made of stone/in performance
     建物が機能を表す場合、in court/go home/watch TV/go to bed
     対句や慣用句、交通手段 day by day/by accident/by train
 /// theを付ける
     only/same/最上級/序数がつく場合 the only one/the same size/on the fifth floor
         the White House、the Philippines、the University of Virginia
     太陽、月、地球など The sun
 /// all/both/many/such/each は特殊で形による all of the hands/all the hands/all hands/each movie(単数形)

The sun

we have to discuss the matter over lunch.

Play football.

Do you go to school on Saturday?
appear in court
at home
at school(授業中)
watch TV
by train
go to bed, church
副詞のhome/abroad/there/hereなどは前置詞toも不要 Go home

Central Park
London Bridge
Fifthe Avenue
Harvard University

the Nile
the Panama Canal
the White House
the Wall Street Journal
the Hamiltons
the Philippines
the University of Virginia

Mr.Fu, president of the company, was nominated for the award.
Professor Morgan

we had the best sales in Aug.
The sales dept. is on the fifth floor.
Don't make the same mistake again.

day by day
day and night
from door to door
day after day
mother and child

take place
take part in
by accident
by mistake
at night
at noon
at last
in fact
月ごとに払うby the monthなどには冠詞が要る

by + 交通・通信手段を表す名詞は冠詞は不要
by train

CEO sued by investor

An elephant is the largest living land animal.
Elephants are the largest living land animal.

The elephant is the largest living land animal.
The Japanese are hardworking.
Man is stronger than woman.

■only, sameはまぎらわしいが冠詞が必要 the only one, the same size

 不定代名詞: some, any, no, every, each, another, either, neither
 数詞: one two, three, ... など (数詞の前に定冠詞をつけることはある the two dogs)
 指示名詞: this, that, these, those
 人称名詞の所有格: my, your, his, her, its, our, their
 疑問代名詞: whose, which
 固有名詞の所有格: Tom’s, ... など (普通名詞の所有格には冠詞を付ける The man’s wife)
all, both, many, such, each は特殊?冠詞相当語句では?冠詞ズレでもあるが、、theの省略?
   both: both of the hands > both the hands > both hands(bothは指向性が強くthe bothには通常ならない)
   all: all of the hands > all the hands > all hands
   many: many of the hands > many hands
   each: each of the movies > each movie(単数形)
   such: such a book, such books

 all, both, double, twice
   I walked all the way to the station.
   Both the cats are two years old.
   He was ordered to pay double the amount.
   Half the students played truant.
 half, many, quite, rather, such, what
   That's quite an interesting idea
   I got such a book. I read such books.(単数だとずれるが、複数だと冠詞不要)
   I thought what a nice day it was.
   Many a fan came to see him.(強調)
   It takes half a hour to get to the Shinjuku station.
   It is rather a hot day.(最近はa rather hotも)
 as, so, how, too(形容詞)
   I have never heard so scary a story.
   He is as nice a guy as she is.
   This is too expensive a watch for him.
   How high a shelf would you like?
any, someは冠詞みたいなもの、後ろは複数形が多いが単数形もあり
 Some participants praised the politician.
 You'll need some wood. some powerとかsome voltageとか
 Do you have any message / messages? 単数を期待するか複数を期待するかで変わる

 Every student is required to study that.

 each of the複数形で複数を取れ単数扱い
  Each of the movies sounds interesting.

All studentsは全世界の生徒全員
All the students = All of the studentsはある範囲の生徒

A wall made of stone.(物質は特定できないのでtheはつかない)
I get upset in performance.(特定できないのでtheはつかない)
I got upset during the performance.(普通名詞化するとtheが付く)

投稿者 funa : AM3:38 | 英語のコツ - Tips | コメント (0) | トラックバック (0)


形容詞 - Adjective

admirable young executive

 cat food = food for cats
 beautiful young Spanish woman
 beauty youth Spain woman

 business development cost management
2)複数形を使わない(例外:sports club)
 16-year-old schoolgirl

 quite a fewで意味が変わり沢山

There were a few birds.
There were few birds.
「少ししかいなかった 」と否定的

I made a little money on it.
I made little money on it.

I have quite a few books. 私は沢山の本を持っている

投稿者 funa : AM3:38 | 英語のコツ - Tips | コメント (0) | トラックバック (0)


時制 - Tense


I will start when he comes.     SV
I don't know when he will come.   SVO

That was happened ten minutes ago.

When I came back to the office, everyone had left ten minutes before.

He has finished writing a letter now.

//these days,nowadaysは現在形
They are indifferent to politics these days.

He has been busy recently.

//just nowは過去を暗示
He finished writing a letter just now.

//right nowは現在、進行形
I'm doing this right now!


I think it was good.(思ったとき、過去のそれがよかった) 
Do you know it was him? / I know it was him.

I thought it was good.(思ったときとそれが良かったときが同じ時間) 
Did you know it was him? / I knew it was him.

x)Did you know it is him? / I knew it is him.(これは普通ありえない)


I thought it is good.(現在もGoodならOK)

Did you know Taro is a student?←これは太郎がまだ生徒だとOK
Did you know Taro was a student?←これは太郎が現在生徒でないため時制の一致が発生

He told her yesterday that Taro is a college student.
I heard there is a party tonight.
U.S. Secretary said he believed the North Koreans already have some nuclear weapons.

I learned the earth moves around the sun.

Everyone knew that the World War 2 ended in 1945.

She wished she were a doctor to save her child.

//過去の未来 would
I thought it would be good.(ならあり得る?現在時点で過去の推量?)
I thought its gonna be good.(こっちはOKでしょう) 
Did you know it is him?(これは駄目) → Did you know it would be him? or Did you know its gonna be him?
I knew it is him.(これは駄目) → I knew it would be him. or I knew its gonna be him.

  have been doingとhave doneの違い
   have been doingは強調:期間の長さor is doingが過去から今に続いていることを強調
  The concert had already started when we got to the theater.
  I lost my pen which I had bought.
    First of all we have to fill an application form out and send it to A.
    And then A asks the superviser for its approval.
    And then we gets an email from A then we gets the approval from a director.
    Finally we get the previledge for it.
   /// 前置詞等でリセットすれば未来形等の現在形以外を使っていても現在形に戻れる?
   A sends a request. B will check it. After checking C takes it.
  /// 主は現在、従は過去
     I think it was good.(思ったとき、過去のそれがよかった) 
     Do you know it was him? / I know it was him.
  /// 主は過去、従も過去(時制の一致)
     I thought it was good.(思ったときとそれが良かったときが同じ時間)
     Did you know it was him? / I knew it was him.
  /// 主が過去、従が現在
     I thought it is good.(現在もGoodならOK、時制の一致では表現できない)
●助動詞(参考ページ: 助動詞
  be able to: できる(実証済み) > can: できる(実証していない場合も含む)
  going:すでに決まっている > will:つもり > would:するだろう
  may:50% > might:30% かも知れない、mayはより確度の高い許可の「してもよい」という意味もある
●IF文(参考ページ: IF & Wish
 ///  直接法(IF現在+現在/未来)
   If you accept our offer, we have a deal.(実現可能性100%)
   If you accept our offer, we will have a deal.(実現可能性80%)
   If you accept our offer, we may have a deal.(実現可能性60%)
   If you accept our offer, we must have a deal.(実現可能性110%強制の勢い)
  /// 仮定法過去(IF過去+過去助動詞: If I/he/she/it were)現在の願望を表す。するのになぁ。
   If you accepted our offer, we would have a deal.(実現可能性0%~)
   If you accepted our offer, we should have a deal.
   If you accepted our offer, we could have a deal.
   If you accepted our offer, we might have a deal.
  /// 仮定法過去完了(IF過去完了+過去助動詞過去完了) 過去の願望を表す。したのになぁ。
   If you had accepted our offer, we would have had a deal.したのになぁ(100%後悔)
   If you had accepted our offer, we should have had a deal.すべきだったのになぁ(200%後悔)
   If you had accepted our offer, we could have had a deal.できたのになぁ(60%実感)
   If you had accepted our offer, we might have had a deal.したかもなぁ(35%関心薄)

投稿者 funa : AM3:19 | 英語のコツ - Tips | コメント (0) | トラックバック (0)

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